Why the 2023-24 Super El Niño Failed to Materialize: Lingering Impacts of the 2020-23 Triple-Dip La Niña
Date and Time: September 5th (Thursday), 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: 博愛校區 圖書館4樓討論室
(Bo’ai Campus, 4th Floor Discussion Room, Library)
Online Link: Google Meet: meet.google.com/cwt-irrd-wix
Host: 洪志誠 教授/理學院院長
(Professor Zhi-Cheng Hong, Dean of the College of Science)
Organiser: 氣候變遷研究室, 地球環境暨生物資源學系
(Climate Change Research Office, Department of Earth Environmental and Biological Resources)
Co-organizer: 理學院 (College of Science)